Gardening Posts

How Gardening will Help Keep You Healthy through the COVID-19 Pandemic

I am so glad to be an avid gardener at a time like this because gardening is the perfect activity for staying mentally and physically healthy through the COVID-19 pandemic. How exactly will gardening keep us healthy? Well, here are just a few of the ways!

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2020 – The Year for Online Nurseries

With the evolving Covid-19 outbreak and so many states being in lock down or issuing stay-at-home orders, it leaves many unknowns for all of us. One of the not-so-serious questions we, as gardeners, may have is: will I ever be able to shop at plant nurseries this spring? So, this year, more so than most, I have turned to online nurseries.

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Why to Avoid Weed Barrier Fabric

If your soil is clayey and poor, with little organic matter, like it is in many areas of Colorado, using weed barrier fabric underneath your wood mulch or bark is a big mistake! Mulch is beneficial in gardens here in Colorado for a number of reasons. However, to enjoy the perks, you should avoid using weed barrier fabric under your mulch.

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How to Help Plants Survive Colorado’s Winters

Colorado has unique weather that can be really challenging for plants and is one of the main reasons why some plants that are hardy for our zones still struggle to survive here. Luckily, there are ways to help plants survive Colorado’s winters.

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